Vicki Scaman has earned a second term

by Ray Heise

February 11, 2025

I strongly urge the people of Oak Park to support and vote for Vicki Scaman as she seeks her second term as Oak Park village president. The village is indeed fortunate to have someone like Vicki who brings exceptional integrity to the table, and combines it with the vision and understanding necessary to set the right course, and the drive and determination to then get us across the finish.

She understands that our democratic system can only work if we adhere to the rule of law, and anyone who knows Vicki, knows that she lives by that belief each and every day. We need people who can bring these important character traits to government service possibly more now than we ever have.

Vicki is motivated to her core by her love for the village of Oak Park and her desire to improve the quality of life for the village and its citizens. I think you would be hard pressed to find Oak Parkers, who have not found Vicki’s door open to them over these last four years.

She is a people person. Whatever problem or issue a citizen may seek her assistance on, you can trust her to put in the time and effort to understand it, and if it is at all possible, find a solution that will best serve the individual citizen and the community at large.

Oftentimes, there is no clean solution to a problem, and it becomes necessary to choose the solution that provides the best available outcome with the fewest negative consequences. Solutions to these kinds of problems are neither easy nor obvious. They require the kind of good judgment that can only come from putting in the necessary time and effort. She can also articulate and advocate these proposed solutions and come to the table prepared to reach a workable board consensus on the solution. She knows when to compromise and when to stick to her guns.

I first came to know Vicki when she served as a member of the Village Liquor Control Review Board, and then as its chairperson. I served as the Oak Park village attorney. During her service on that board, I witnessed firsthand her exceptional integrity, commitment and drive to get the job done.

Since that time, I have watched her hone her leadership skills first as the Oak Park village clerk, and then as president of the Oak Park Village Board. The skills and experience she has acquired serving full four-year terms in each of these demanding roles is extraordinary.

If there is anyone better able to serve Oak Park as village president than Vicki Scaman in her first term, it will be Vicki Scaman as Oak Park village president from April of 2025 through April of 2029! I urge you to re-elect her to a second term.

Ray Heise served as Oak Park village attorney from 1984 to 2011.

Letter originally appeared on 2/11 and printed in the Wednesday Journal 2/12.


Scaman’s consistent leadership


Scaman has earned a second term