Scaman’s consistent leadership
by Nora Abboreno and Tony Abboreno
February 4, 2025
Friends and Neighbors,
We’re getting closer to the village elections on April 1. Having a thoughtful leader who takes into consideration all of the members of the community and the village in the present and the future is more important than ever. Vicki Scaman has demonstrated that kind of leadership consistently during her tenure.
Specifically, we want to highlight the issue of our leaf collection process. Her vote against the leaf bag initiative stemmed from a genuine concern for all of the residents but especially the older adults and those with mobility issues. She recognized the need for putting a hold on the initiative until there was more discussion and understanding.
Vicki consistently shows her dedication to hearing from all of the voices in Oak Park and she pays attention to the input. Her approach as a leader is to prioritize transparency, communication and collaboration.
As we think about the future of our village, we need someone who listens, understands, and acts in our best interest. She has proven herself to be that person.
We chose to move to Oak Park nearly 50 years ago. We’ve raised our children and we enjoy watching our grandchildren being raised here. We are voting for Vicki to support her vision for Oak Park and ensure that our community remains vibrant, safe, and responsive to the needs of all of the residents.
Vote for Vicki Scaman on April 1 to protect the values we cherish in our community.
Nora and Tony Abboreno,
Oak Park