Scroll down for published letters and endorsements.
Adam Salzman, Former Oak Park Village Trustee
Annie Button, Former Oak Park Village Trustee
Brian Straw, Oak Park Village Trustee
Camille Y. Lilly, Illinois State Representative
Cathy Adduci, River Forest Village President
Chibuike Enyia, Oak Park Village Trustee
Christina Waters, Oak Park Village Clerk
Colette Lueck, Former Oak Park Village Trustee
Eric Davis, Oak Park Township Trustee
Holly Spurlock, District 97 Board Member
Jeff Weissglass, Former President District 200 School Board
John Hedges, Former Village of Oak Park Trustee
Jon Hale, Former Oak Park Village Trustee
Jonathan Livingston, D200 Board Member
Katrina Thompson, Village of Broadview Mayor
La Shawn K. Ford, Illinois State Representative
Nathaniel Booker, Village of Maywood Mayor
Ray Johnson, Former Oak Park Village Trustee
Rory Hoskins, Village of Forest Park Mayor
Sara Spivy, Former D200 Board Member
Susan Buchanan, Oak Park Village Trustee
Tara Stamps, Cook County Commissioner
Teresa Powell, Former Oak Park Village Clerk
Thomas Gary, Former Triton College Trustee
Tim Thomas, Oak Park Township Supervisor
Alison Askham
Alma Klein
Amy Starin
Ana Garcia-Doyle
Aya O'Connor
Barbara Rose
Bart A. Smith
Ben Freireich
Bobbie Eastman
Brad Bartels
Brenda Parker
Bruce Broerman
Caitlin Wilkes-Johnson
Camille Wilson White
Carollina Song
Carolyn Goldbeck
Cat Nickles
Char Schwar
Attorney Charles Bracey, Kelley & Bracey Law
Cheree Moore
Cheryl and Miles Jackson
Christina Dyson
Danielle Dengel
Dave Miller
David & Mena Boulanger
David Ubogy
David Weindling
Deacon Wiley Samuels
Deborah Wess, Realtor with BHHS Chicago
Dot Lambshead Roche
Douglas Woodson
Edward Barth
Eileen Hattan Lynch
Elizabeth Lippitt
Emily Eastman
Emily N. Masalski
Erin Newman
Fernando Moran
Gabrielle Pendley
Gail Holmberg
Gary Cuneen
George Bailey
Geraldine (Jerry) Delaney
J. Michael Williams
Jack Crowe
Jack and Kelly Stockman
James Gates
Jane Lambshead
Jean Louise Edwards
Jeanne Nohalty
Jeff Clark
Jen Quinlan
Jen Trudell
Jenna Leving Jacobson
Jennifer Czajka
Jim and Sally Prescott
Jim Corbin
Jim Doyle
Jim Kelly
Joan Dyer
JoAnn Lewandowski
JoBeth Halpin
Jodi Walker
Joe Raschke
John B. Flanigan
John Dengel
John Duffy
John Sullivan
Jon Hale
Juanta Bennett Griffin, ASE Productions
Julia Huff
Justin Johnson
Kai Stockman
Karen Crowley
Karen McMillin
Karen Queen
Kate Walz
Kathleen O’Shaughnessy
Kim Johnson, Keller Williams Realty
Laura Lallos
Laura Voigt
Len Palombi
Lesa Struck Kiefer
Linda Francis
Liz Barnes
Liz Singh Holt, Former Director OPRF Chamber
Lou Anne Johannesson
Andrew Celis, Community Development Citizen Involvement Commission Chair
Christina Welter, Board of Health Chair
Gregory Kolar, Citizen Involvement Commission Chair
Julia Knier, Farmers Market Chair
Masaru Takiguchi, Zoning Board of Appeals Chair
Michael Sturino, Plan Commission Chair Chair
Ron Burke, Transportation Commission Chair
Sarah Corbin, Liquor Control Review Board Chair
Sharon Newton, Civic Information Systems Commission, Chair
Tim Kelly, Building Codes Advisory Commission Chair
International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 95— Oak Park Fire Department
Oak Park Area Association of Realtors
The Sierra Club
Lyn C. Conniff
Lynn Kamenitsa
Manuela Trombetta
Marge Epstein
Marjorie Manchen
Mari Hans
Matthew Clifford
Mattie Langenberg
Maureen McLachlan
Meghan Carter
Meghan Paulas
Michael and Libbey Paul
Michele Wheeler
Michele Zurakowski
Michelle Melin-Rogovin
Mika Yamamoto
Mike Doyle
Mike McGowan
Mike Sturino
Mitch Hendrickson
Moses N. Valdez
Nallely Gass
Nikita Horton
Nora and Tony Abboreno
Norah Eastman
Patrick Obrien
Paul Beckwith
Paul Clark
Paul Goyette
Peter Norvid
Rachel Walker
Randy Schnack
Ray Heise, Former Oak Park Village Attorney
Rebecca Ho
Renee Stelter
RhonaTuschscher Taylor
Rob Breymaier, Former Director Oak Park Regional Housing Center
Robert Kleps
Ron Orzel
Ruth Lazarus
Ryan Abbott
Ryan O’Malley
Sarah Shirk
Scott Kiefer
Scott Schwar
Sheela Raja
Sheila Wesonga
Sherry Nordstrom
Stefanie Glover
Steve Handoyo
Sue Bridge
Susan Reynolds
Terrence Roche
The Reverend Canon Dr. Alonzo Pruitt
Thomas H. Ptacek
Tina Harle
Todd Kiefer
Todd Stern
Tristan Rogers
Trudy Doyle
Wendy Daniels
William Riley
Winifred Haun
Yoko Terretta
Zerrin Bulut
Letters in Support of Vicki
“Vicki consistently shows her dedication to hearing from all of the voices in Oak Park and she pays attention to the input. Her approach as a leader is to prioritize transparency, communication and collaboration.”
— Nora and Tony Abboreno
President Scaman has proven, during her 20+ years of service to the village of Oak Park that she shares our passion and dedication to public safety. She has shown that she will prioritize the well-being and safety of our community and residents through support and implementation of public safety advancements. “
— Bob Toth, President, International Association Fire Fighters Local 95
“In terms of character traits, Vicki displayed intelligence, fortitude, grace, and poise as she partnered with her colleagues on the six village boards to address our community’s challenges, such as the pandemic, economic downturns, housing shortages, and staffing issues.”
— James Gates
I admire her regional approach to addressing public safety, climate change, economic development, and other challenges, and the way she works with local, state, and federal officials on behalf of our community. (One proof of Vicki’s commitment to a collaborative regional approach is the number of local elected leaders who came out in support of her.)”
— Carollina Song
“Oak Park faces serious challenges that are not unique to an urban suburb. The current board, under President Scaman’s leadership, has made remarkable progress on critical issues facing our village.”
— Susan Buchanan, Trustee
“The village is indeed fortunate to have someone like Vicki who brings exceptional integrity to the table, and combines it with the vision and understanding necessary to set the right course, and the drive and determination to then get us across the finish.”
— Ray Heise, Former Oak Park Village Attorney
“I've known Vicki since long before her term as Village President - I've seen her love for this community, her willingness to show up in discomfort, her ability to apologize when necessary. Those are admirable qualities, and not common in an elected official.”
— Brynne Hovde