Scaman has earned a second term
by James Gates
February 11, 2025
During early voting from March 17-31 or on April 1, 2025, Oak Parkers will go to their local polling place and cast their votes for candidates across Oak Park taxing bodies. In the upcoming election, I strongly support Vicki Scaman for a second term as village president.
I support Vicki because in her first term as president, she demonstrated a collaborative mindset, broad content-area expertise, forward-thinking vision, and a tireless work ethic that positively impacted the quality and sustainability of community life in Oak Park.
Furthermore, she embraces a genuine commitment to the governing style of “servant leadership.” Coined by Robert Greenleaf in 1970, servant leadership is a philosophy where the serving leader is focused primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the community served. In terms of character traits, Vicki displayed intelligence, fortitude, grace, and poise as she partnered with her colleagues on the six village boards to address our community’s challenges, such as the pandemic, economic downturns, housing shortages, and staffing issues.
During our family’s 37 years as Oak Parkers, I was honored to serve eight years as a member and executive officer of the Oak Park District 97 Board of Education and three years as a member and chair of Oak Park’s Intergovernmental Body (IGOV). Those experiences afforded me the opportunity to collaborate with remarkable women and men who, as leaders, honorably and effectively represented our community’s six elected taxing bodies. Vicki shares the finest characteristics of those community leaders.
Finally, as a PhD in Educational Leadership with research concentrations in effective leadership styles and organizational success, I believe that Vicki Scaman is a servant leader who possesses the desirable and essential skills, experience, and personality to lead our community as village president.
James Gates
Oak Park
Letter appeared 2/11, Printed 2/12 in the Oak Park River Forest Wednesday Journal